Hollywood: On The Little Reel

Gilmore Girls 2.0

We all know them as the mother and daughter, fast-talking, quick-witted duo we all wish we could be with our own respective mothers/daughters. A few months ago i stumbled on a really great tidbit, which had me jumping up and down faster than floppy bird (i never actually played that game, apparently i did not miss out)! Wait for it…GILMORE GIRLS ARE COMING BACK AS A MINI-SERIES! Yes!

As someone who grew up alongside Rory (we were the same age), head glued to every episode i could get my grubby paws on, i am over the moon! I never got to actually finish the show because reality always got in the way, but from what i hear, it ended badly… The fact that it even ended was bad news to me. But badly?!?! Well, it would seem the original writers (they must have Punjabi blood in them with all those Friday Night Dinner scenes!) were none-too-pleased as well and have decided to end the show as it should have originally ended! I have no clue what that means, but as i am currently rewatching the show i have hopes. Very high hopes. Either way i’m just excited to hear and watch Lorelai’s and Rory’s super-speed banter all over again!

For those of us who grew up in Asian or Middle Eastern, hell even Black families, Lorelai’s clever one-liners to her Mother, the epitome of class and sophistication, Emily Gilmore, are what we have ever wished to say to our parental units but dared not to for the very real fear of retribution. The fear was real people!

NB: Chittar is the Punjabi way of saying beating!

That’s part of what makes the show absolutely hilarious! One of the classic Lorelai-Emily confrontations has to be in Season 6 Episode 13. That entire family dinner scene at the end of the episode is literally a Punjabi Family in a nutshell! I have never laughed so much and identified with something so entirely! Worth a watch for all of you!

Needless to say i am epicly excited for this reunion! I mean FINALLY! Be sure that when it happens, and it’s happening, that i’ll be one of the first to watch and blog about it! 😁

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