The Chronicles

Paper Mag Nudes…Here We Go Again…

Just when we thought we were safe after that Kim Kardashian shoot that quite literally BROKE the internet, and not just due to her large posterior…here we go again. This time with Pamela Anderson…πŸ˜’πŸ™ˆ

I mean hats off to these women who have the guts to go full-frontal or any kind of nude for that matter. But it’s safe to say that we don’t really need to see ALL that…right?!?! Now hetero men and lesbians alike, you guys serve a different conflict of interest obviously. But lets take a look at the bigger picture here…

Pamela Anderson

What makes these people posing nude any different from porn pinups? And now that these women are mothers, what about their kids? Call me old-fashioned but if i posed nude for the entire world to see, and with the Internet to see over and over and over again, i would be freaking out if my kids grew up and stumbled upon naked Mum! Add their friends to the mix and the ‘dude your Mum is so hot and a total MILF’ lines and you have pretty much not only scarred your kids but ruined your relationship with them. I mean come on, do you honestly think they’ll say ‘wow Mum you were smoking! Especially your nipples in that shot! Never looked better’?!?! I don’t think so…

Now i haven’t seen the entire shoot that Pammy’s done. To be honest i was surprised it was even her what with the very ’60s wig. I don’t know the extent to which she’s gone…but it has been a good while since Baywatch and that unfortunate Tommy Lee Tape…wouldn’t you want all that behind you?!?! But then that’s the thing…what has she done else could she put herself out there again, other than trying to make her way back onto pubescent boys’ walls like so many years ago…

Good for her i guess…but i do wish people would stop trying to break the net and blind a good majority of us in the process…

2 thoughts on “Paper Mag Nudes…Here We Go Again…

  1. Well I think that was pretty well put… I mean seriously do these people ever think about the fact that this cannot ever be erased? And don’t even get me started with the cringing factor of the next generation getting hold of it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would love to be a fly on the wall when all of that goes down! And in the Kardashian’s case, forget about the bullying i’d get from being called North or Saint, but the way i’d be ragged because of my Mum’s butt and boobs on open display and the sex tape that made her famous…awesome childhood moments and scarring! πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘ŒπŸ½


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