The Chronicles

Tyra Banks Walk Of ‘Shame’?!?!

While rummaging through various ‘hot articles’ in celeb gossip, i find this. πŸ˜£


First of all, i knew the press were desperate but reading through the headlines that i have…oh my GOD are you guys desperate, reporting on USELESS and boring stuff that i’m sure no one actually cares about. I’m not surprised this particular story made ‘news’. πŸ˜’

So Tyra, a woman in her 40s (42 to be precise), is not allowed to gain a bit of weight or drink a milkshake and actually live and ENJOY her life…ok! βœ‹ And i’m sorry but who is the other milkshake for?!?! is it for her or her husband? Or a friend? And even if it’s hers…WHO CARES!!! Hasn’t she done enough in life? She is no longer a supermodel and has to watch her figure and weight, she is a mother, a successful business woman and no longer needs to pressure herself in that way at all. I remember when she had gained weight a few years ago and was called ugly and overweight. But no one realised or cared that she was going through some personal hardships. It wasn’t until she cried on America’s Next Top Model about the hate she received, that people backed off. She’s human. People yo-yo their weight a lot in life, famous or not. Who knew it was a sin?!?!

george takei oh my animated GIF

And i’m sorry…but isn’t this the same body look that almost all of White America and the world over are trying to achieve, courtesy of the Kardashians? So, when Tyra, a gorgeous black woman, who changed the supermodel world, looks exactly like that aesthetic, it’s suddenly disgusting and laughable and wrong…hmmm… What’s sad is that below the article i read, they shadily put pictures of her from her hey-day..a contrast and comparison, that’s not shifty at all…πŸ˜–

I fail to understand how this is news, but apparently the Press aren’t getting much else and have image issues and hypocrisies…oh well..


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