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Star Trek: 50th Anniversary!!!

Today is a big day! And not just for us Trekkies but for sci-fi geeks everywhere! 😁 Star Trek: The Original Series celebrates it’s 50th birthday today, and i couldn’t be happier! There really is no other show or Star Trek for me except for the chronicles of Captain James Tiberius Kirk, his right hand man-alien… Continue reading Star Trek: 50th Anniversary!!!

Hollywood: On The Little Reel

New Girl Season 5…At Long Last!!!

This has to be one of my favourite shows that always pulls several snorts and a gruesome belly chuckle out of me! It’s a show that my sister-in-law introduced me to and weirdly enough the lead character (played by Zooey Deschanel) freakishly reminds me of her! Same hair, a teacher, similar looks, the only difference… Continue reading New Girl Season 5…At Long Last!!!